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 Indefinita in der Romania. Die Grenzen einer instabilen Kategorie, Sektion auf dem 36. Romanistentag (Kassel 2019) (organized by Olga Kellert & Malte Rosemeyer).



·         Irene Franco, Olga Kellert, Guido Mensching and Cecilia Poletto. 2016. ‘A diachronic study of the (negative) additive anche in Italian’. Caplletra 61, 227-258.


·         Poletto, C. (2017). ‘Negative doubling: in favor of a big NegP analysis’ in S. Cruschina, K. Hartmann and E.-M. Remberger (eds.), Studies on Negation: Syntax, Semantics, and Variation [Wiener Arbeiten zur Linguistik]. Göttingen: V&R unipress/Vienna University Press, 81-104.


·         Garzonio, J., and C. Poletto (2017). ‘How bare are bare quantifiers?: Some notes from diachronic and synchronic variation in Italian’, Linguistic Variation 17(1): 44–67.


·         Irene Franco, Olga Kellert, Guido Mensching and Cecilia Poletto, 2018. ‘Additive and aspectual anche in Old Italian’. In:  Berns, J., H. Jacobs and D. Nouveau (eds.), Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 13. Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’ 29, Nijmegen. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 127-142.


·         Garzonio, J., and C. Poletto (2018). ‘Exploiting microvariation: How to make the best of your incomplete data’, Glossa 3(1): 1-21.


·         Garzonio, J., and C. Poletto (2018). ‘Sintassi formale e micro-tipologia della negazione nei dialetti italiani’, in J. Brincat and S. Caruana (eds.), Tipologia e ‘dintorni’: il metodo tipologico alla intersezione di piani. Roma: Bulzoni, 83-102.


·         Garzonio, J., and C. Poletto (2018). ‘The distribution of quantifiers in Old and Modern Italian: Everything or nothing’, in A. Maria Martins and A. Cardoso (eds.), Word Order Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 221-239.


·         Kellert (submitted) The diachronic development of the evaluative meaning of qualunque in Italian, in Chiara Gianollo, Klaus von Heusinger, Maria Napoli (eds.) Syntax and Semantics series by Brill.


·         Irene Franco, Olga Kellert, Guido Mensching and Cecilia Poletto (in prep.). ‘Negative Concord with postverbal negative words in Old Italian. Optionality revisited.’


·         Rossi, S. & C. Poletto, (in prep.) 'Very... Extracted: on Old Italian molto', MS. Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main.


·         Poletto, C. & S. Rossi. (in prep.) 'Bare Quantifiers and V2 in Old Italian' (working title), to be submitted in September for a volume collecting papers presented at AG 7, 41 Jahrestagung DGfS (Bremen), in Linguistik Aktruell Series, John Benjamins (volume editors Nicholas Catasso, Marco Coniglio & Chiara De Bastiani).


·         Poletto, C. & S. Rossi (in prep.). Molto Old Italian: external and internal syntax of a degree Q word. MS. Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main. (Chapter of Project’s Monograph)




·         Olga Kellert. ’ Indefinites in Old Italian’. Semantisches Colloquium (16.05.2017) Einladung von Hedde Zeijlstra



Olga Kellert & Marika Francia: Cualunque in Argentinian Spanish and qualunque in Italian. Going Romance (Microcontact Workshop, 11.12.2018

 Olga Kellert: The diachrony of FCIs. (UFB, Salvador de Bahía, Brasil, 25.07.2018)

Olga Kellert: The diachrony of qualunque. (DiGS 20. York, 21.06.2018)

Silvia Rossi & Cecilia Poletto. The internal and external syntax of bare quantifiers in Old Italian’. Going Romance 2018, 12-13 December 2018, Utrecht.




·         Silvia Rossi & Cecilia Pletto: 'The internal and external syntax of bare quantifiers in Old Italian DGfS 2019, 6-8 March 2019, AG 7.


·         XXXVI Romanistentag S17, Rekonstruktion und Erneuerung: Indefinita in der Romania. Die Granzen einer instabilen Kategorie, 29 September - 01 October 2019, Kassel. Oral presentation, C. Poletto - S. Rossi